

Agro – Meteorological observatory

Agro – Meteorological observatory is of ‘C’ type observatory and it has meteorological Instruments like maximum minimum Thermometer, Soil thermometer, Sunshine recorder, Ordinary and Self recordingraingauge,Wind vane, Anemometer and Open pan evaporimeter. Students are trained to record the various weather parameters and display them for study purpose and for weather forecasts.

Mushroom Cultivation

A Mushroom cultivation unit situated in the Institute premises is utilized for the production of oyster mushroom and milky mushroom. The students learn the method of mushroom spawn production and the technical methodology in mushroom production. Inoculation of mushroom spawn, maintenance of mushroom bed and harvesting of mushroom are taught to the students. Students are also taught about the lucrative and commercial value of mushroom.

Vermi Composting Unit

A Vermi – composting unit attached with the Institute imparts the technical methods of preparing vermicompost to the students. Students visualize the different types of earthworms and acquire practical knowledge and skill in preparing the Vermicompost and vermiwash. The Vermicomposting unit teaches the value of entrepreneurship to the students to take up vermicomposting as a commercial enterprise.

Composting yard

There is a composting yard in the Institute premises. Plant residues, leaf litter, coir pith, sugarcane trash, parthenium and other weeds are being composted in the compost yard. The students learn the different methods of organic composting by doing themselves. The compost is being analyzed for its nutrient status and its suitability for different crops along with recommendation.

Agricultural Park

Agricultural Park infront of the Institute has different types of ornamental crops which include foliage shrubs, trees and flowering plants. There is an established lawn in the Agricultural Park and the students learn about the components of garden and also the methods of landscaping. The Agricultural Park has been established with a sense of attractive landscaping which adds beauty and face-lift to the Institute.

Crop Cafeteria

Crop Cafeteria consists of all field crops in miniature plots. Cereals, Millets, pulses, oilseeds, commercial crops and forage crops are being raised and maintained throughout the year. Students visualize the growing pattern of crops right from germination to harvest. They also acquire practical experience in raising different field crops.

Bio gas unit

A bio gas unit available in dairy premises is of “Deenabandu Model”. The unit is loaded with cow dung and hostel food wastes. The bio gas produced is used as fuel for the hostel kitchen. Students learn the importance of Gobar gas which is a renewable energy source.

Examination Results

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