Category: Uncategorized


Having such good infrastructure, the Vidyalaya IARD has introduced Diploma in Agriculture and Certificate courses in Mushroom Production, Nursery Technology, Organic Composting and Dairy Cattle Management. Class room building, Multipurpose Conference Hall, Green House, Progeny Orchard, Mushroom Production Unit, Vermi Compost Unit, Dairy Unit, Computer [...]

Plant Pathology

Plant PathologyPlant Pathology

The Plant Pathology laboratory is equipped to receive and maintain plant material in isolation for the identification and diagnosis of field and horticultural crop diseases, caused by bacteria, fungi, virus, phytoplasmas, insects, mites and nematodes. Plant pathology laboratory provides hands on training in the identification [...]

Agricultural Extension

Agricultural ExtensionAgricultural Extension

The Audio visual laboratory of Agricultural Extension department is highly equipped with modern gadgets and aids. The main objective of this department is to transfer the Agricultural technologies from lab to land. This department also transfers new innovative agricultural practices and technologies to the farming [...]