Agricultural Engineering

Agricultural Engineering

Agricultural Engineering deals with the advancements in the areas of Farm Machinery, Agricultural Structure, Soil and Water Conversion Engineering, Energy and Environmental Engineering, and Post harvest Engineering. Institute of Agriculture and Rural Development houses various field machineries viz., tractor, power tiller and implements. The students are exposed to various mechanized field operations and studies on working models available at the institute.  There are three biogas plants in the campus. Of this, two are falling under the category of floating drum type.

The inverted siphons, rainwater harvesting structures viz., percolation ponds, farm pond and micro-irrigation systems in the test plot are added resources to the students to learn on ‘Soil and Water Conservation  Engineering’ on mere observation. The sewage disposal structures such as soak pit, dispersion trenches and cess pools are the integral part of students’ home in the campus. Hence, students are adequately exposed to various nuances of Agricultural Engineering in their mundane life. As part of postharvest processing, students’ exposure visits to cottage industries and large scale industries are common practice of demonstrating the unit operations involved in value addition of agricultural and horticultural commodities.

Examination Results

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