Animal Sciences

Animal Sciences

A dairy unit attached to Ramakrishna Vidyalaya Mission agricultural farm consists of the following facilities viz,

  • Dairy Cows – 45 nos.
  • Poultry unit – 1 unit.
  • Feed Pulverizer – 1 no.
  • Chaff cutter – 1 no.
  • Bio gas unit – 1 no.

In addition to the above facilities, there is an animal science laboratory where the Fat % and Specific Gravity of the milk will be estimated and also aids in conducting the practical classes for the diploma and undergraduate students of agriculture.

Students acquire practical experience in handling and restraining of cattle, disbudding and castration procedures in calves. The farm also maintains poultry birds which are used to teach students in handling, identification of parts and vaccination procedures. The students will also undergo a certificate course in Dairy Cattle Management which encourages the students to become a Dairy Entrepreneur in the future.

The dairy farm produces an average milk yield of 200 litres of milk per day, which will caterers the needs of vidyalaya high school and vidyalaya canteen. The milk produced is clean and hygienic by using milking machine. Hence the dairy unit reserves as a model unit for handling classes in Animal Husbandry and to educate new techniques in animal husbandry to the farming community.

Examination Results

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